by Chris
(Beeston, Nottingham)
My massage story followed an injury to my foot which included a toe fracture. Three months after the injury I still had significant pain, swelling under the ball of all four little toes and on the top of the foot, and difficulty walking for more than a few hundred steps.
I contacted Regina as the NHS was not offering any solution, and as I write this I have had four sessions with her. All of these have proved helpful, and in the last three she has used "deep oscillation" with fairly dramatic results.
Deep oscillation is strange but not unpleasant to experience, with "electric" pulses flowing from Regina's gloves to oscillate deep into the skin. Before the first treatment my right foot was about 2.5cm greater in circumference than my other foot, and had been so for the previous two months. But after two sessions of deep oscillation it was only 1.5cm greater in circumference, and I no longer have swelling on the top of the foot. This outcome really speaks for itself, and has made walking more comfortable (although I am still elevating much of the time). If you still have swelling months after an injury and no medical assistance with it, I would strongly recommend contacting Regina for deep oscillation.
Regina has additionally introduced me to a form of "Kinesio" taping that she applies after the deep oscillation, and this has also helped to keep my foot more comfortable.
I intend to continue seeing Regina as necessary to constrain my swelling, which is most likely a form of lymphedema and probably chronic. Unfortunately my broken toe bone remains very problematic, and after 17 weeks an x-rays has finally revealed that it has not fully healed for reasons as yet unexplained. However, I have confidence that Regina will continue to be able to help with swelling and pain relief, at least in the rest of my foot. Since our first session she has been very supportive and very flexible in trying different approaches that work best for me, and that has been greatly appreciated.
List of treatments
- Myofascial Release (MFR) - Saving Hands massage -
- Therapeutic massage - Maya Abdominal Therapy -
- Seated Acupressure - Indian Head Massage - Pulsing - Reiki -
- Reflexology - Tsuboki Foot Massage - Hopi Ear Candles -
- Hot and Cold Stone Massage - Myofascial dry cupping -
- Aromatherapy Massage - Aromatherapy Lymphatic Massage (ALM) -
- Fertility Massage - Pregnancy Massage - Post-natal Massage -
- Dorn Method - Breuss Massage -
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Deep Oscillation -
- Treatment for lymphoedema - Treatment after cosmetic surgery -
- Holistic Facial - Face Vitality - Total Detox -
- Virtual sessions - Supervision
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