Pregnancy Resources

What is on this page?

You can reach Touching Well by mobile: 0794 227 6538, or via our landline 0115 648 9636, or the contact form.

Opening times: Monday to Thursday daytime

 I hope to see you soon. With warm regards, Regina

Home Birth Support Group

The home birth support group meets at the Iona School every third Friday of the month from 9.30-11 am. You are warmly welcome even if you don't plan a home birth.

The Toddler Group also meets at the Iona school, usually on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please phone the school for more information.

There is a meeting for those parents who would like to explore "wearing" their baby, i.e. using a sling or baby carrier. Nottingham Slingmeet usually meet on the second Thursday of the month.

Pregnancy and birth books

"Bump: how to make, grow and birth a baby is the only pick-your-own-adventure manual of womanhood. Trying for a baby? Avoiding a baby? Losing a baby (sniff sniff)? Growing a baby? Birthing a baby? Traditionally or surgically? This is the book for you! Written and Illustrated throughout with funky cartoons by Kate Evans. For a taster click here.

Kate Evans also wrote a book on breastfeeding: The food of love.

While on the subject of breastfeeding, watch  "Apple Dumplings by Virginia Howes".

Michael Odent's site wombecology has lots of interesting articles on different aspects of pregnancy and birth.

Yoga for pregnant and post-natal women

Fortunately we have a number of yoga teachers in Nottingham, who specialize in pregnancy and post-natal yoga.

The Yogahome, now grown into the yogavillage, offers yoga classes for pregnant women. For the postnatal yoga you can bring your baby along.

Wendy Coe offers pregnancy yoga in Beeston. She is also a doula.

The Samya Centre (Samya means "All you need is within you") has postnatal, baby, toddler and children's yoga classes in the Newark area. Katie also offers yoga for children with special needs.

Independent midwives

Nicky Grace (BirthGrace) and Rachel Wardle (East Midland Midwifery Service) are independent midwives covering Nottingham.


A "Doula" (pronounced "doola") is a Greek word meaning "woman servant or caregiver". It refers to an experienced woman who offers emotional and practical support to a woman (or couple) before, during and after childbirth. A doula believes in “mothering the mother” - enabling a woman to have the most satisfying and empowered time that she can during pregnancy, birth and the early days as a new mum. This type of support also helps the whole family to relax and enjoy the experience.

To find your local doula, please have a look on the Doula UK website.

Cranio-sacral therapy

You could try cranio-sacral therapy if your newborn is generally not very happy. Paticia Hughes is a very experienced practitioner.

Pelvic pain in pregnancy

Pelvic joint pain related to pregnancy is known as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) and was formerly known as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). PGP is very treatable and the Pelvic Partnership aims to provide you with information about how to find the right management and treatment for your condition and your pain.

Breast feeding

One really good way of preparing for breast feeding before birth is watching breastfeeding women, either iin person or virtually on youtube. Notice everything they are doing. Breastfeeding is a learned skill of you and your baby.

There is specialist support out there to help with breastfeeding. Don't give up just yet. You can call on the La Leche League, local NHS midwives or NCT breastfeeding consultants (National Childbirth Trust). If you are struggling with breastfeeding, don't suffer alone. Get help and support! Another good place to get help is from the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers, they have a free breastfeeding helpline.

The Breastfeeding Network has useful downloads and information. Real Baby Milk has good breastfeeding and hand expressing information. The Bump has great pregnancy and breastfeeding information, I particularly liked the guide to a smart start in breastfeeding. From Bump to Breastfeeding is a great DVD whitch can be watched in chapters or in its entirity. Chapter 4 has clear diagrams and footage of baby latching on.

Birth preparation

There are many things you can do to prepare for the birth.

You may have read on the pregnancy massage page about the partner session. Here I will teach you and your partner about a number of points you can press to nudge the birth along. These points don't work like a button: press it and out pops the baby (if this was the case not many pregnancies would go to term). These "bring the energy down" and if both mum and baby are ready, they will support the birth process.

Debra Betts is an acupuncturist in New Zealand. Her website illustrates acupressure points which might be helpful during labour.

Well Mother has lots of useful advice on her Website. She has also published a number of books. Suzanne Yates is a fountain of knowledge on all things related to pregnancy, childbirth and the post-natal period with regard to bodywork and exercise.

The Pink Kit is an on-line resource (by the Common Knowledge Trust) that has been developed to reduce pain during labour and increase the confidence of women and men during birth.

During your pregnancy and your birth you want everything to flow with no complications, whatsoever. Sometimes, however, there are complications, some transient, some more cause for concern. This guide to birth injuries has been prepared by a legal firm, but it seems to be even handed and informative, with links for support.


Mia Scotland and Sophie Fletcher offer HypnoBirthing within the Nottingham area.

Post natal depression

PND and Me is a wonderful website by a Mum to support others mums and raise awareness of PND runs #PNDHour and #PNDChat
The Association for Post Natal Illness offers support and advice 0207 386 0868. is a website and forum run by sufferers and past sufferers (survivors) of Post Natal Illness (PNI)
The Pandas Foundation gives pre and post natal depression advice and support 0843 28 98 401. You can call the Samaritans any time for any problem on their helpline 08457 909090

What about your placenta?

Your placenta is rich in hormones and nutrients. The Independent Placenta Encapsulation Network's (IPEN) aim is to bring the placenta back into post-birth healing. Claire is fully trained in placenta encapsulation and she is enthusiastic harnessing all the goodness of your placenta to give you the best possible start with your new baby. If this appeals to you, have a look.

After the birth

After the birth you need all the help you can get. With the Meal Train app you can organise your friends to bring you a meal so that you can concentrate on your new baby.

There are so many choices to make in parenthood, and the nappy choice, disposable or not, is one of the earlier choices you have to make.  I guess the  companies that offer disposable nappies have a large advertising budget, so they are easy to find. You might want to find out about "real nappies" from the "real nappy information service".


The drawings for pregnancy massage are by Bethan Mathews. She now lives in Devon. She does take commissions.

List of treatments
Myofascial Release (MFR) - Saving Hands massage -
Therapeutic massage -
Maya Abdominal Therapy -
- Seated Acupressure - Indian Head Massage - Pulsing - Reiki -
- Reflexology - Tsuboki Foot Massage - Hopi Ear Candles -
Hot and Cold Stone Massage - Myofascial dry cupping -
Aromatherapy Massage - Aromatherapy Lymphatic Massage (ALM) -
- Fertility Massage - Pregnancy Massage - Post-natal Massage -
- Dorn Method - Breuss Massage -
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Deep Oscillation -
 - Treatment for lymphoedema - Treatment after cosmetic surgery -
Holistic Facial - Face Vitality - Total Detox -
 - Virtual sessions - Supervision

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