Hello, Im currently 10 weeks pregnant and had a job at a lymphedema center. We used the hivamat machine on many patients and I am aware that one of the contraindications is pregnancy. My question is, is it a contraindication for both the patient and the therapist using the machine or just the patient if they are pregnant. Is it safe for the therapist using the machine if pregnant? I lost my job over this issue, not being able to use the machine properly due to my pregnancy so I am trying to find answers please. Thank you.
Regina answers:
My understanding is that deep oscillation is not unsafe for pregnant women, it has just not been tested as a clinical trial involving pregnant women is difficult to get ethical approval for. Hence the contra-indication. To find out more, I suggest you contact Julie or Mary from Physiopod (http://www.physiopod.co.uk). All the best with your pregnancy.
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- Therapeutic massage - Maya Abdominal Therapy -
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- Fertility Massage - Pregnancy Massage - Post-natal Massage -
- Dorn Method - Breuss Massage -
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